LEAD PARTNERS: postscriptum & photoconsortium
content quality and thematic collection
- promotion of technical procedures for supporting high-quality improvement and semantic enrichment of content in Europeana
- enrichment of existing Europeana records also by adopting the semantic curation of Chinese collections developed by the project (target: 20,000 existing records in Europeana enriched automatically)
- creation of a thematic collection in Europeana dedicated to Chinese cultural heritage.
t4.1 Content quality plan
EXPECTED OUTCOME: a quality plan to drive the project activities and ensure that the Europeana Publishing Framework is fully implemented:
- content of the participating content providers, which is already digital will be Tier 2 and 3 compliant;
- new content digitized in the project will be Tier 4 compliant;
- metadata of new content digitized will be compliant with the criteria established in the Publishing Framework.
T4.2 technical workshop in Athens
EXPECTED OUTCOME: organisation of a workshop for enrichment of metadata relating to Chinese cultural heritage.
The workshop took place online on 26th October 2020. It was organized not only for the project partners but also content holders outside the consortium and the Europeana ecosystem of aggregators were invited.
It included presentations and a hands-on semantic enrichment session, showcasing open source mapping and normalisation tools.
t4.3 improving existing collections and creating a new "europeana China" thematic collection
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: by using the content sourced in the project and by enriching material that is already exposed in Europeana, this task will create a new thematic collection dedicated to Chinese cultural heritage in Europeana, and will also suggest additional content to improve and enrich other thematic collections.