The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) is the official agency created by the European Commission in 2006 to manage the technical and financial implementation of its TEN-T programme. INEA officially started its activities on 1 January 2014 in order to implement the variousEU programmes, including the CEF Connecting Europe Facilty that also funds PAGODE – Europeana China.
About PAGODE on INEA’s newsroom >>>
In 2021, INEA will be officially replaced by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) and European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA).
HaDEA’s ambition is to help rebuild a post-COVID-19 Europe at its heart which will be greener, more digital and more resilient for future challenges.
These executive agencies are a reality, with operations set to start as planned on 1 April 2021.