A Few Words about pagode
In a nutshell
PAGODE - Europeana China
about the project
PAGODE is co-financed by the European Union in the framework of the CEF Connecting Europe Facility program, in a call dedicated to enriching and improving Europeana, the European platform for digital cultural heritage. The consortium was carefully chosen and includes 7 partners, both public and private institutions. PAGODE is open to associate partners in joining the effort of showcasing Chinese cultural heritage objects in digital format. The primary scope of the project is enriching Europeana according to the EU funding programme, but a broader aim is to enable collaborations among European museums and archives, and to foster international relations with Chinese cultural heritage institutions.
The work is organized in 5 activities:
- Content coordination, annotation and ingestion to Europeana (PHOTOCONSORTIUM)
- Content curation and digitization (University of Ljubljana and KIK-IRPA)
- Content quality and Europeana thematic collection (POSTSCRIPTUM and PHOTOCONSORTIUM)
- Communication, dissemination, user engagement and sustainability (PROMOTER and POSTSCRIPTUM)
- Project management and coordination (MISE and PROMOTER)
What we do
PAGODE targets were about aggregating to Europeana a minimum of 10,000 new objects in open access; and annotating and improving over 2,000 digital objects already in Europeana by crowdsourcing and further 20,000 by automated enrichments. Main scope in the project’s term was to activate Cultural Heritage Institutions to plan new digitisation and enrichment of thousands and thousands of digital cultural heritage items.
PAGODE is a project but also a network of Cultural Heritage Institutions with a stake on Chinese heritage, and it aims to:
- Bring more Chinese collections into Europeana, finding ways to discover and to curate them through annotations and interlinking
- Exhibit Chinese Cultural Heritage from European content holders and memory institutions, offering critical and participatory review, from historic and contemporary points of view, of experiences of contamination, awesomeness and suggestion
- Opening cultural connections to China, exploring new economic advantages based on a richer reciprocal knowledge of our culturess
The PAGODE team integrates all the necessary capacities in the following areas: sound project and financial management (MISE, Italian Ministry of Economic Development), long-lasting and successful experience in dissemination and communication (Promoter), accredited aggregation to Europeana (Photoconsortium), management of digital cultural archives both as public Cultural Heritage Institution (KIK-IRPA) and private commercial business (United Archives), academic acknowledged competence (University of Ljubljana – Department of Asian Studies) and technical expertise in delivering digital services to CHIs (Postscriptum).
associate partners
A network of stakeholders and associate partners completes the PAGODE group, such as:
- Europeana
- Museovirasto – the Finnish Heritage Agency (Finland)
- Leiden University Libraries (The Netherlands)
- Slovene Ethnographic Museum (Slovenia)
- and many more…
to join PAGODE and share digital heritage collections to Europeana, please contact PHOTOCONSORTIUM: info@photoconsortium.net