LEAD PARTNERS: university of ljubljana & kik-irpa
digitization and curation
- defining the semantic framework for the annotation of Europeana content that can be considered as related to Chinese cultural heritage
- defining specifications and technical requirements for the creation and enrichment of the associated metadata
- high quality digitization of minimum 10,000 new objects as particularly relevant for the representation of Chinese CH in Europe.
t3.1 Semantic background and metadata specifications
This task created structured scientifical knowledge and guidelines on:
- what can be considered as Chinese CH in Europe
- Chinese vs. made in China: (dis)connection between materiality and cultural connotations
- Europeans in China + Chinese in Europe
- typology of “objects”: tangible, intangible, natural (esp. landscapes)
- specifications for the metadata
DOWNLOAD PDF: Defining Chinese and China-related cultural heritage in Europe: a conceptual scheme
ACCESS THE KEYWORDS LIST developed for PAGODE by sinologists of the University of LjubljanaThis task
T3.2 Workshop on curation of Chinese CH in Europeana
This task organized a workshop on 9-10 July 2020, devoted to the curation of Chinese CH content.
The workshop targeted not only the project partners but also other content owners who have content related to Chinese CH in their collections and the Europeana ecosystem of aggregators.
It was also the occasion to review the specifications produced during task 3.1 and to provide feedback.
t3.3 Digitization and metadata creation
This task planned and coordinated digitization of new content to be then offered for publication in Europeana, according to the requirements of Europeana Publishing Framework, also including actions to monitor the quality of digitization.
DOWNLOAD PDF: Summary for EPF Tier 4 and Tier C