The Cyrillic alphabet – Exhibition in Sofia, 15th May 2019

The Cyrillic alphabet –  Exhibition in Sofia, 15th May 2019

European Commission’s project WeAre#EuropeForCulture is partnering with Photoconsortium’s network to organize participatory events in various European cities, with the aim of creating exhibitions that include both institutional and crowdsourced heritage and which celebrate the diversity of European cultural heritage, by engaging citizens in the co-creation of cultural experiences. The series of exhibitions is a legacy from the activities of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.

The Bulgarian exhibition of the series is “Кирилицата” (The Cyrillic Alphabet), launched in Sofia on 15th May 2019. The exhibition is linked to the celebration of the Day of Bulgarian Enlightment, and it is organized by NALIS in collaboration with online magazine “Stork” for school students creativity and association “Yanika” for supporting hearing disorders.

The Cyrillic alphabet, created in Bulgaria by the disciples and followers of St. Cyril and Methodius brothers, is named this way to honor St. Cyril. As one of the basic parameters of our national identity, it is at the heart of the celebration “Day of Bulgarian Education, Culture and Slavonic Scripture”, which has been one of the most beloved celebrations since 1851 .
This digital photographic exhibition is also a virtual interactive installation, focused on the history of the celebration of the alphabet and its letters during different periods of the history of Bulgaria. It includes heritage photographs, drawings and puppets dedicated to the Bulgarian alphabet, and it is co-created by children with hearing impairment.


Organized by NALIS

Vernissage event 15th May 2019

University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria




eych-2018-lavender_enWeAre#EuropeForCulture is funded by the European Commission

under the service contract EAC-2018-0415

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Photoconsortium, International Consortium for Photographic Heritage

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