PHOTOCONSORTIUM participates in various programmes of the European Commission in the areas of digital cultural heritage, digital transformation, access and reuse of cultural content, citizens’ engagement and education.
EUreka3D-XR – European Union’s REKonstructed content in 3D to produce XR experiences (2025-2026)
The project continues the work of EUreka3D project to support Cultural Heritage Institutions who want to innovate the way they approach 3D digitization, access, storage, sharing and reuse in compelling and engaging narratives. The project will make available 5 tools for creating XR experiences with cultural content, deployed in three use cases for XR scenarios in France, Spain and Cyprus. The project will also offer a capacity building and knowledge programme for the use of the tools and technical infrastructures.
PHOTOCONSORTIUM is project coordinator, oversees the work of the three pilots to create XR scenarios and also operates as accredited aggregator for Europeana to publish a variety of high-quality 2D and 3D digital records and editorials to enrich the common European data space for cultural heritage..
Common European data space for cultural heritage (2022-2026)
The common European data space for cultural heritage is the new flagship initiative of the European Commission to accelerate the digital transformation of Europe’s cultural sector, and foster the creation and reuse of content in the cultural and creative sectors. The project builds on and expands the existing functionalities and services of the Europeana DSI Digital Service Infrastructure. The new service is provided by a consortium of 19 partners, coordinated by the Europeana Foundation.
PHOTOCONSORTIUM, in its role of the expert hub for photography, is again involved in the project to:
– prosecute the action for publication of high quality content datasets in Europeana website
– deploy actions for capacity building, fostering content reuse in editorials and in an educational context
– participate to knowledge creation and and awareness raising about collecting, maintaining, and increasing discoverability of content in the context of the Data Space.
EUreka3D – European Union’s REKonstructed content in 3D (2023-2024)
The project aims to support the digital transformation of the cultural heritage sector, by offering capacity building and training, and new services, to Cultural Heritage Institutions facing the challenge of advancing in the digitization effort, especially in 3D digitization, access, storage, sharing. The project developed a piloting action and a suite of tools and services based on federated cloud services in Europe, fully integrated in the common European data space for cultural heritage.
PHOTOCONSORTIUM is project coordinator and also operated as accredited aggregator for Europeana to publish a variety of high-quality 2D and 3D digital records and editorials to offer clear examples for the use and reuse of the cultural collections.
Citizen Science Practices in Cultural Heritage: towards a Sustainable Model in Higher Education
CitizenHeritage intended to provide Higher Education Institutions with new insights and opportunities to include Citizen Science activities for social purposes into Higher Education Institutions curricula, teaching and learning activities, offering a selection of good practices on how to benefit from the knowledge circulation in and outside academia and how to adopt a more vibrant role in civil society. CitizenHeritage also organized a number of events focused on developing participatory approaches involving citizens, Cultural Heritage Institutions and Higher Education Institutions
PHOTOCONSORTIUM was involved in the project to:
– organize three Citizen Science workshops in collaboration with Photoconsortium’s members NALIS (Sofia); OSZK (Budapest) and CUT (Limassol)
– dissemination and creation of educational and promotional materials
– organization of an international conference in Pisa in 2022 including a collection day of photos from family albums.
WEAVE (2021-2022)
Widen European Access to cultural communities Via Europeana
This project developed a framework to link the tangible and intangible heritage of cultural communities, safeguarding the rich and invaluable cultural heritage which they represent. In particular, the project aggregated nearly 8.000 new high-quality records to Europeana, and showcased these collections in a set of engaging editorials and a virtual exhibition. The project carried out several capacity building activities to develop a closer connection between cultural heritage institutions (CHIs), minority cultural communities and Europeana. Additionally, WEAVE developed a set of open and reusable tools to allow the management of annotations, semi-automatic recognition of specific gestures and movements and visualisation of performances and 3D models
PHOTOCONSORTIUM, in its role of accredited aggregator for Europeana, participated in the project by leading:
– Content aggregation, quality and coordination
– Online presence and Europeana editorials
I² Identity and Innovation (2021-2022)
Knowledge exchange, collaboration and sharing of good practices, especially for secondary education in schools
The scope of the project is developing a participative trajectory between different actors in the sector of schoold education and cultural heritage. The idea is to create an integrated vision and creative solutions for a future-oriented innovation in European education, enforcing at the same time its roots and making visible its identity. At the very basis of the project’s concept, there are two core challenges: enhancing the historic value of educational heritage and creating innovative surroundings and practices for schools.
PHOTOCONSORTIUM is involved in the project to:
– participate in round tables and discussions, bringing in the expertise in the digital cultural heritage domain
– support the development of the project’s vision document to be shared to other schools and institutions
Discover more about the project on PHOTOCONSORTIUM Educational Portal >>>
PAGODE (2020-2021)
PAGODE will aggregate to Europeana a minimum of 10,000 new objects, annotate and enrich more than 2,000 digital objects already in Europeana, and activate Cultural Heritage Institutions to plan new digitisation and enrichment of thousands and thousands of digital cultural heritage items.
This wealth of material will be organized in Europeana to create a new thematic collection rich in high quality content to explore, compelling editorials, galleries, blogs and a virtual exhibition.
PHOTOCONSORTIUM, in its role of the expert hub for photography, is involved in the project to:
– support content selection, annotation and ingestion to Europeana
– organize PAGODE Digital Festival, a series of online events
EUROPEANA XX (2020-2021)
Europeana XX Century of Change was conceived as a thematic initiative to explore the major factors which led to social change in Europe during the 20th century, by examining the relation of society with the state, private lives of individuals and technological advances.
By enriching Europeana with high-quality 20th-century content, the project aims to expand the range of 20th century content available on Europeana. Semantic enrichment and automated translation also made the content more accessible and discoverable for all audiences. Editorials addressing a wide range of 20th century phenomena showcased compelling stories and unique heritage treasures in Europeana.
PHOTOCONSORTIUM, in its role of the expert hub for photography, is involved in the project to:
– participate in content selection, metadata enrichment and ingestion to Europeana
– collaborate in the curation and publication of the new Europeana Thematic Collection
EUROPEANA DSI-4 (2018-2022)
The DSI-4 is the fourth iteration of a strong consortium with a proven track record in creating access, interoperability, visibility and use of European cultural heritage in the target markets addressed by Europeana platform and site(s). Benefitting from a continual collection of data, and feedback from users the consortium has an evidence-based strategy towards the five markets of the European Citizens, Education, Research, Creative Industries and Cultural Heritage Institutions.
PHOTOCONSORTIUM, in its role of the expert hub for photography, is again involved in the project to:
– prosecute the action for metadata quality improvement of existing datasets in Europeana portal
– in addition to this, maintainance of the Europeana Photography and Migration thematic collections will be continued
WeAre#EuropeForCulture (2019-2020)
Ten co-creation events across Europe engaged citizens of different ages and backgrounds, to realize an equal number of pop-up exhibitions including both local cultural heritage and crowdsourced heritage. The project was coordinated by KU Leuven with the participation of Noterik and Photoconsortium.
In addition to the project partners, member institutions belonging to Photoconsortium network organized and hostd the events at their venue across 2019: Amsterdam: March; Budapest: April; Sofia: May; Helsinki: June; Krakow: July; Basel: August; Vilnius: September; Pisa: October; Catalonia: November; Cyprus: January 2020. A final event in Leuven/Brussels recollected and showcased the pop-up exhibitions as a colourful mosaic representing European multicultural identity.
This project developed a set of tools and demo/dissemination applications enabling citizens to better engage with Europeana content, with a focus – for the scope of the project funding – on the Fifties in Europe. Overall the project showcased the value of interacting with and reusing cultural material, accessible through Europeana, offering innovative tools for personal user interaction, collections and database management, apps and dissemination/education tools.
Photoconsortium was the task leader for content coordination and selection, making available a vast pool of content in the project, with interesting and high-quality collections from most European countries. Photoconsortium was also responsible for the realization of a physical photographic exhibition, for which called for a participative selection of content by all partners and association members.
EUROPEANA DSI-3 (2017-2018)
Europeana DSI-3 prosecuted the activities of DSI-2 to create access, interoperability, visibility and use of European cultural heritage in the Europeana platform, fostering data reuse by Education and Research sectors, supporting the creative economy, as well as engaging European citizens with access to Europeana Collections and its thematic sites. The Europeana DSI-3 consortium consisted of Europeana Foundation as coordinator and 28 partners with the experience and capacity to strengthen the value of Europeana by delivering high-quality services for sharing and (re)using metadata and content.
PHOTOCONSORTIUM, in its role of the expert hub for photography, is involved in the project to:
– prosecute the action for metadata quality improvement of existing datasets in Europeana portal
– enlarge and maintain the Europeana Photography thematic collection
Through partner KU Leuven, PHOTOCONSORTIUM participated in the CEF Generic Services project “Migration in the Arts and the Sciences”. Lead partner was Europeana. KU Leuven coordinated the curation. Other partners were National Archives of Hungary, National Film Archive – Audiovisual Institute Poland, Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, National Library of Lithuania, and National Library of Serbia. The project wanted to highlight how migration in and out, and within Europe has contributed to the development of European Culture. This thematic collection offered virtual exhibitions, galleries, browse entry points and a social media presence, but it was also be combined with real life events, through collection days at several cultural heritage institutions across Europe.
Through its participating partner, PHOTOCONSORTIUM brings in its experience with building thematic collections and its insights in metadata development, which is an aspect that requires special attention for a subject like migration. In addition, a photographic exhibition “Thousands are Sailing” was realized in Pisa in association with a collection day.
EUROPEANA DSI-2 (2016-2017)
The Europeana DSI-2 project builded on and continued operation of the existing Europeana Digital Service Infrastructure’s (DSI) Core Service Platform following the Europeana DSI-1 action (2014-2015). It is the second project for the completion of Europeana’s strategy 2015-2020. It is in line with the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Trans-European Telecommunications Network’s work programme, delivering interoperability, connectivity and coordination for digital cultural heritage at a European level and providing efficient solutions for access and distribution of multilingual and multi-domain resources in digital European cultural heritage.
The role of PHOTOCONSORTIUM, invited to participate in the DSI for the first time in 2016 as the expert hub for photography, is to:
– Participate in the metadata improvement action of existing datasets in Europeana portal (WP1)
– Realize and curate the Europeana Photography thematic collection (WP2)