Legal Representatives

Photoconsortium’s legal representatives according to the Statute are the President and the Vicepresident, who are appointed by the Steering Committee among its members. The current group was elected in October 2019 and will run the mandate for 5 years. The power of attorney and the legal representation of the association are conferred, in disjointed way, to the President and Vicepresident of the association, who can subscribe all administrative acts regarding the association.


President: David Iglésias Franch (CAT/ES)

David is the Head of Department of Photography and Audiovisual Records at Girona City Council. He is the Chair of the Expert Group in Photographic and Audiovisual Archives of the International Council on archives (ICA). He is Director and teacher of the Graduate Diploma in Management, Preservation and Dissemination of Photographic Archives (UAB).


Vicepresident: Antonella Fresa (IT)

Antonella is working on European projects since the nineties. Since 2002, she is technical coordinator and communication manager of national and European projects in the domains of digital cultural heritage, creativity and co-creation, citizen science, smart cities, digital preservation and e-infrastructures.


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Photoconsortium, International Consortium for Photographic Heritage

Via della Bonifica 69, 56037 Peccioli, Pisa, Italy


Photoconsortium is recognised as a legal person by the Pisa Prefecture, territorial office of the Italian government.


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