Europeana’s Copyright Office Hours on 3D models and copyright

Europeana’s Copyright Office Hours on 3D models and copyright

The Europeana Copyright Community’s ‘Copyright office hours’ are informal online sessions that seek to bring cultural heritage professionals together in discussing and addressing common challenges.

The next office hours will take place on Wednesday 23 October at 15h CEST, and they’ll focus on copyright and 3D.

With more and more cultural heritage organisations digitising cultural heritage in 3D, questions arise with regards to the reusability of the models. During these office hours, the focus will be on the extent to which copyright protection arises (or not) on 3D cultural heritage digitisation, and the implications of the public domain provision in the 2019 Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive.
Developments in Sketchfab, a platform that cultural heritage organizations have strongly relied on for sharing 3D models, will also be discussed, along with the implications this can have on sharing public domain 3D models, and the need to find adequate alternatives for the cultural heritage sector.

More information and registration available here

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