Mar 23, 2021 | Teaching practice
img. from survey home page. Within the #ERA_CHAIR_Mnemosyne project it is currently running a “Survey on use and reuse in DCH” that aims to collect information from all those who use and reuse data related to the cultural heritage domain, including...
Feb 24, 2021 | Teaching practice
img. from archives: Fred Truyen presenting Europeana Photography project at ICA congress in Girona (2014). Recently, KU Leuven Library published a nice interview by Merisa Martinez to prof. Fred Truyen, Programme Director of the Advanced Master’s in Digital...
Oct 8, 2020 | Teaching practice
img. from Scientix website This questionnaire is addressed to teachers in primary and secondary education (students aged 3 to 19). It aims to collect information on the educational technologies used in the weeks that followed the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the...
Sep 21, 2020 | Teaching practice
img. OSZK, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, Hungary Recently, an article by prof. Fred Truyen (KU Leuven, and Photoconsortium’s president) appeared on his Digital Culture blog, providing interesting considerations on the relationship between ICT and cultural heritage,...