Jun 15, 2022 | Teaching practice
img. from Conference programme, ARMA project On Wednesday 22 June 2022 we celebrate the ARMA conference. The project ‘The Art of Reading in the Middle Ages’ (ARMA) shows the importance of medieval reading culture as a European movement by bringing together digitised...
Jun 14, 2022 | Teaching practice
img. from the Study website, with portrait “Girl reading”, Tony Robert-Fleury, Public Domain, source: Wikimedia Commons. Dear Teachers and non-formal Educators,we invite you to take part in a study about the use of educational interactive materials (e.g. games,...
May 31, 2022 | Europeana, Teaching practice
img. from CRDI’s collections in Europeana: Construction of the bridge at Peixateries Velles in Girona, Spain, 1923, ph. Josep Jou Parés, CC BY-NC-ND. CRDI/Ajuntament de Girona In the framework of a capacity building effort to support digital transformation of the...
May 6, 2022 | Europeana, Teaching practice
img. Promoter Digital Gallery CC-BY-NC-ND. In the framework of DSI4 project, in the strand of work for capacity building and “train the trainers” effort, a joint webinar is organized by Euroclio and Photoconsortium to experiment and develop skills about reusing...