SISE is a unique Professional Development training course organised by the University College of Leuven Limburg in collaboration with the Heilig Hartinstituut Heverlee and Campus Corso. It is a final event of the project Schools on the Move in which the expertise and findings of teachers, researchers and other professionals from the educational field are shared and discussed.
The event will take place from 25 to 29 August 2025, addressing core aspects of successful integration of international initiatives in secondary schools: what are critical factors of success, which tools can one use, how can one develop a European plan and overcome barriers and difficulties, how can one connect international initiatives to quality school management and how can all of this be done in a sustainable, long-term perspective… Participants can choose workshops and expert sessions throughout the week that suit their needs, interests and level of expertise. The main objective of the event however, is the use of internationalisation to improve the quality of educational programmes.
The event is open to all education professionals and international officers in educational sectors, with a focus on secondary education (VET and SCHOOL) and teacher training departments.
Learn more, download the programme and register at this link.