Teaching European History in the 21st century is a three-year project that aims to respond to the needs of European Universities that are increasingly international by providing innovative didactic methods, and the development of innovative teaching materials. The project aims to bring out these materials based on textual, visual and audiovisual sources produced by international author teams. Within this project, EuroClio the international association of history teachers developed seven Source Collections on Historiana, on the topics of Identities, Societies, Power and Citizenship, Knowledge, Economy, Cultural Encounters, and Living with Difference.
At the Final Conference, the Source Collections will be officially launched, as well as a digital version of the Handbook “The European Experience“, made available on Historiana in a brand new part of the website dedicated to educational resources for teachers.
Teaching European History in the 21st Century: Final Conference
30th September h. 10-17.30
House of European History – Rue Belliard 135 1000 Brussels, Belgium
The Conference will begin with an introduction to the educational materials, followed by a round table discussion. Afterwards, participants can attend two rounds of active workshops, consisting of:
- Keynote Lecture
- Hands-on workshop about how to use the best-practice guide, which is based on the experiences of testing the outputs by international teacher teams in structured learning activities that form part of the TEH21 project.
- Active workshop on how to work with the source collection, hosted by EuroClio. This is an online collection of selected primary sources in the original language and English translations, clustered around important themes in European history. The primary sources mentioned and described in the textbook will be made available in the form of online source collections, in their original form and in English translation.
- A discussion between the experts of House of European History and TEH21.
More information, programme and registration can be consulted at https://euroclio.eu/event/teaching-european-history-in-the-21st-century-final-conference/

The TEH21 project is undertaken by Utrecht University, together with six project partners: The Autonomous University of Madrid (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid – UAM); The Department of History at HU Berlin (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin); University of Sheffield; Charles University (CUNI, Univerzita Karlova); and University of Lille (UDL).