The Time Machine Organisation (TMO) is the leading international organisation for cooperation in technology, science and cultural heritage and the institutional governing framework that ensures the sustainability and economic independence of the Time Machine project.
Time Machine is aiming to join Europe’s rich past with up-to-date digital technologies and infrastructures, creating a collective digital information system mapping the European economic, social, cultural and geographical evolution across times. In the proposed approach, digitisation is only the first step of a long series of extraction processes, including document segmentation and understanding enhanced by Augmented/Virtual Reality (AR/VR) applications, leading to simulations of hypothetical spatiotemporal 4D reconstructions, key resources for developing new critical reflections on our past and future, enabling new insights for historians, social scientists, creative arts professionals, policy makers, and for the general public, with a significant common denominator: contributing to informed decision-making from everyday life to academic, professional and political matters.
Time Machine will have strong positive long-term effects on European cohesion, economy and society, with concrete contributions to promoting critical thinking at all levels of decision making, to strengthening the feeling of European identity, as well as to boosting scientific and technological competitiveness, entrepreneurship and employment in knowledge-intensive and creative sectors across the European Union.
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