A series of educational videos, “Citizen Heritage 101”, introduces and explores the intersection of citizen science and cultural heritage.

A series of educational videos, “Citizen Heritage 101”, introduces and explores the intersection of citizen science and cultural heritage.

Citizen Heritage is an Erasmus+ Project that aims to provide Higher Education Institutions with new insights and opportunities to include Citizen Science teaching and learning activities for social purposes into their curricula, in order to offer a selection of good practices on how to benefit from the knowledge circulation in and outside academia and how to adopt a more vibrant role in civil society.

“Citizen Heritage 101” is a series of six educational videos, coordinated by the partner Erasmus University Rotterdam and produced by the students themselves, which purpose is to enrich the curricula and experiences of university students in this domain, who will be the cultural heritage professionals of the future.

Check out “Citizen Heritage 101” on Photoconsortium YouTube channel.

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Photoconsortium, International Consortium for Photographic Heritage

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