The Museu Memorial de l’Exili (MUME) is a space for memory, history and critical reflection. It is a museum that remembers the exiles caused by the Civil War in Spain and Catalonia, especially the exile of the vanquished in that war, that is indissolubly linked with the Europe of the rise of totalitarianism and consequently to the Second World War.
In keeping with its aim and its museological project, the Exile Memorial Museum is a facility for conservation but also research and dissemination. Among the objectives of the museum, it is key the effort for dissemination and memorial commemoration of exile-related issues as well as working with the Walter Benjamin Chair Memory and Exile at Girona University, while also provide historical and technical advice for the conservation of other sites, places and signposting located in its surrounding area and that form part of the Network of Democratic Memory Sites of Catalonia. Moreover, the Museum acts as a driver of territorial projects on the exile caused by the Spanish Civil War, forced displacement of people provoked by Second World War, and the persecution of people because of their ideology, culture and ethnic origin. Moreover, special attention will be given to the significance of antifascist resistance in 20th century Europe.
The Exile Memorial Museum is a project promoted by La Jonquera Town Council with the support of the European Union, the Government of Catalonia (Departments of the Presidency, Culture and Home Affairs, Institutional Relations and Participation) and the Diputació de Girona, and is included in the network of Memorial Sites of Catalonia that the Memorial Democràtic has encouraged since 2005.