Steering Committee

Photoconsortium’s Steering Committee is currently composed of 12 elected members. The current group was elected in October 2019 and will run the mandate for 5 years. The Steering Committee is appointed to discuss and decide on the guidelines for the implementation of the statutary tasks of Photoconsortium, on the actions to be taken and on the criteria to be considered for the achievement and implementation of the goals of the Association.

Members in alphabetical order:

John Balean (UK)

John holds a Bachelor of Arts in the Visual Arts and a major in Photography. At TopFoto he is the Operations Manager co-ordinating European projects. He has given lectures and written about the picture industry with a specific interest on Press Photographic History.

Erik Buelinckx (BE)

Erik is Head of Photo Collection, Library and Digitisation at the Royal Institute of Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) in Brussels, responsible for the photo collection, library, intervention files, archives and digitisation. His experience spans on the different levels which constitute the creation, maintenance and conservation of digital (meta)data about cultural heritage.

Peter Fornaro (CH)

Peter is Professor at the University of Basel focusing on visual media and the linking of digital infrastructures with digital curation and collection management. As a trained scientific photographer, he experienced the change of the photographic image from the analogue to the digital domain in detail.

Antonella Fresa (IT)

Antonella is working on European projects since the nineties. Since 2002, she is technical coordinator and communication manager of national and European projects in the domains of digital cultural heritage, creativity and co-creation, citizen science, smart cities, digital preservation and e-infrastructures.

Frank Golomb (DE)

Frank is the founder of United Archives. He holds a diploma in Business Economics from Cologne University since 1991 and founded his first company in 1989. Since 2008 he has focussed on the acquisition of photographer lifeworks and press photo archives to preserve them from being forgotten.

David Iglésias Franch (ES)

David is the Head of Department of Photography and Audiovisual Records at Girona City Council. He is the Chair of the Expert Group in Photographic and Audiovisual Archives of the International Council on archives (ICA). He is Director and teacher of the Graduate Diploma in Management, Preservation and Dissemination of Photographic Archives (UAB).

Pilar Irala Hortal (ES)

Pilar is Tenured Professor of Visual Culture, Contemporary Art and Photography at the University of San Jorge in Zaragoza, and the Manager of the Jalón Ángel’s Photographic Archive. Her research focus is on the relationships between photography, rhetoric and visual narrative and on historical-photographic heritage.

Allison Kupietzky (IL)

Allison is Collections Database Manager at The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, and is responsible for the development, construction and maintenance of the museum-wide information system including its bilingual thesaurus. In addition, she was appointed in 2011 Head of the Information Center for Israeli Art.

Pietro Masi (IT)

Pietro, master of art, is expert in dissemination and strategic planning, marketing, traditional and multimedia communication, organisation of events. Editor in Chief of the online magazine and executive director of several multimedia productions, he is expert in successful dissemination and social media actions for EC projects.

Sofie Taes (BE)

Sofie is a researcher at the Institute for Cultural Studies / CS Digital at KU Leuven, with a focus on digital cultural heritage, and she has also oriented her activities as a digital cultural heritage curator, particularly for Europeana projects and for participatory approaches and co-creation with digital collections.

Frederik Temmermans (BE)

Frederik is a researcher at the Department of Electronics and Informatics (ETRO) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and imec, and an active member of the JPEG standardization committee. His research focuses on image processing, interoperable access to image data and image search.

Fred Truyen (BE)

Fred is Professor at the Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven where he is in charge of the mediaLab CS Digital. He publishes on Digitization, Photography and E-Learning. He is involved in many projects on Open Educational Resources and on Europeana. His main research focus is the digital transformation roadmap for Cultural Heritage Institutions.

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Photoconsortium, International Consortium for Photographic Heritage

Via della Bonifica 69, 56037 Peccioli, Pisa, Italy


Photoconsortium is recognised as a legal person by the Pisa Prefecture, territorial office of the Italian government.


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