“Island Pagoda, Min River, Fujian” (1870) by John Thompson – credit The Loewentheil collection of China Photography.
The 120 images of the exhibition allowed to dive into street scenes, tradespeople, rural life and architecture, from the 1850s at the very genesis of paper photographs in China, until the 1880s, including examples of the earliest forms of photography, such as albumen print and the “wet plate” process. The photographs, on display in Beijing for the first time, beyond the images’ artistic value, clearly appeared to be of academic interest, to document how life and landscapes in China were before the big changes of the XX century. Loewentheil is currently digitizing the collection with the aim of creating an online repository for historians and researchers.
More information and images: https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/china-photos-19th-century-loewentheil-collection/index.html