Pescia Paper Museum, the keeper of handmade paper in Tuscany – a new blog on Europeana

Pescia Paper Museum, the keeper of handmade paper in Tuscany – a new blog on Europeana

The Pescia Paper Museum (Museo della Carta di Pescia) has its historical headquarters in the ancient ‘Le Carte’ paper mill built around the beginning of the 18th century. The paper factory represents how paper was typically manufactured since the Middle Ages.

Since 2008 the museum has worked extensively on recovering and preserving its collections, which include all the traditional tools used in the hand production of paper: watermarked moulds, waxes, stamps, watermarked metallic cloths and watermarked sheets.

With its collaboration with EUreka3D project, the Museum embarked on the creation of an ambitious new workflow to start digitising its collections and moulds both in 2D and 3D.

Read about the activity and the history of the museum on Europeana’s new blog.

eu emblemEUreka3D project is co-financed by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union.

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