img. the Godshouse for orphans and elders by Edouard Liberton, via Europeana, Stadsarchief Leuven.
In the framework of DSI2 project (2016-2017), Photoconsortium participated to a big effort for metadata and visualization improvement. This is the work the Metadata Task Force from Photoconsortium is performing in collaboration with Europeana’s Ingestion Team for some of the photographic collections that were published in Europeana since 2014, involving those Photoconsortium Members who are content providers to Europeana for reviewing and improving their datasets.
In particular the collections that were improved in Europeana by Photoconsortium members so far are:
- KU Leuven: bigger images to match tier 2 of the Europeana Publishing Framework
- CRDI/Ayuntament de Girona: bigger images for the whole collection, metadata improvement and addition of new collections
- United Archives: metadata improvement for collections from Carl Simon and Karl Heinrich Lämmel
- NALIS: addition of English descriptions to a selection from the whole Bulgarian dataset
- Parisienne de Photographie: bigger images at the end-URL of the digitized collection, to match tier 2 of the Europeana Publishing Framework
- TopFoto: a selection of images with smaller watermarks
- GENCAT: addition of English titles with metadata impromevent for a selection of the dataset
- Promoter’s Digital Gallery: this is a small selection of images crowdsourced from the visitors of All Our Yesterdays exhibition in Pisa (2014). It is planned to add more images in this collection in the future.
Work is still ongoing and will continue in the next months. This action on metadata and visualization, that strongly supports the open access approach for digital heritage collections (where applicable), is also devoted to feed the thematic Europeana Photography channel, the new access point to curated photographic collections in Europeana, also part of the DSI2 project, that was launched last May.