ICA International Council on Archives

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ICA International Council on Archives is an international association created in 1948 under the auspices of UNESCO, to be a voice for archives and archivists on the international stage. ICA’s mission is to promote the preservation and use of archives around the world, while also working for the protection and enhancement of the memory of the world and to improve communication while respecting cultural diversity.

This is in line with the scopes of PHOTOCONSORTIUM and for this reason, with particular reference to supporting the photographic heritage community, a framework for collaboration between ICA and PHOTOCONSORTIUM was established, with the scope of identifying activities and joint projects related to international cooperation, events, publications, communications, marketing, training and translation, to be planned and implemented jointly.

ICA’s website: https://www.ica.org/en

Areas of possible collaboration agreed between ICA and PHOTOCONSORTIUM include:

1. International cooperation: ICA and PHOTOCONSORTIUM will explore the possibility for jointly designing projects and applying for international funds that support the sector of archives and photographic heritage.

2. Events and Training Programmes: ICA and PHOTOCONSORTIUM will explore the possibility of offering professional events that tackle significant topics to the communities addressed by both parties. Both parties will also explore the possibility for cooperation in designing, implementing and offering training opportunities for their members and extended community.

3. Publications and translation: ICA and PHOTOCONSORTIUM will explore the possibility of designing and publishing standards, guidelines or related publications relevant for the documentary heritage sector. Both parties will explore the possibility for cooperation in translating and auditing the professional content developed by the two parties.

4. Membership benefits for their members: ICA and PHOTOCONSORTIUM will explore the possibility of offering special benefits for their members attending their events and using their online platforms and resources to promote a more active and inclusive participation of both communities in the activities and professional programmes offered by the parties.

5. Communications and marketing: ICA and PHOTOCONSORTIUM will explore the possibility for cooperation to plan, design and implement communications campaigns to promote the work and strategic goals of both organizations in an international and regional level. In working on these campaigns, ICA and PHOTOCONSORTIUM will consider the possibility of creating a working group for the definition and development of these initiatives.


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Photoconsortium, International Consortium for Photographic Heritage

Via della Bonifica 69, 56037 Peccioli, Pisa, Italy



Photoconsortium is recognised as a legal person by the Pisa Prefecture, territorial office of the Italian government.


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