A new project co-financed by the European Union under the CEF Connecting Europe Facility Programme, focused on the 20th century and its social, political and economical changes as documented in photographs, videos, and works of art.

Project duration: 1 March 2020 – 30 November 2021
Discover the thematic collection about the 20th Century history and culture on Europeana
What this project is about
In this project, 5 Domain and Thematic Aggregators join forces with technology and educational partners, to stimulate reflection and debate on European recent history, and to improve and enrich Europeana.eu, the European digital library. Overarching theme: the 20th century as a gamechanger, whose impact on society is extensively documented in photographs, audiovisuals and other types of media.
Expected outcomes:
- a new Thematic Collection in Europeana.eu with compelling editorials
- 100.000 new high quality records
- smart tools to support curators
- machine translation and semantic enrichment to hundreds of thousands of Europeana records
- an online and on site outreach strategy
- Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
- Istituto Luce Cinecittà
- Filmoteka Narodowa Instytut Audiowizualny
- KU Leuven
- DFF Deutsches Filminstitut Filmmuseum
- Catwalkpictures
- European Fashion Heritage Association
- Europeana
- NTUA National Technical University of Athens
- Pangeanic
- Noterik
- Technische Informationsbibliothek
- ThinkCode
- Jewish Heritage Joods Historisch Museum
- Anacode